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Barber, Brian K.; Suzanne L. Maughan, Joseph A. Olsen. (2005). "Patterns of Parenting Across Adolescence" in Changing Boundaries of Parental Authority During Adolescence. (Judith Smetana, ed.) New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development Series, 108 (Summer 2005), 5-16.
Bradford, Kay P., Brian K. Barber, Joseph A. Olsen, Suzanne L. Maughan, Lance D. Erickson, Deborah Ward, and Heidi E. Stolz. (2003). "A Multi-National Study of Interparental Conflict, Parenting, and Adolescent Functioning: South Africa, Bangladesh, China, India, Bosnia, Palestine, Colombia, and the United States." Marriage and Family Review, 35(3-4), 107-137.
Bahr, Stephen J., Suzanne L. Maughan, Anastasios C. Marcos, and Bingdao Li. (1998). "Family, Religiosity, and the Risk of Adolescent Drug Use." Journal of Marriage and the Family, 60 (November 1998): 979-992.
Bahr, Stephen J., Anastasios C. Marcos, and Suzanne L. Maughan. (1995). "Family, Educational, and Peer Influences on the Alcohol Use of Female and Male Adolescents." Journal of Studies on Alcohol 56(4, July):457-469.